personal photo of Nada Amin

Nada Amin

Tagline:assistant professor (PL+AI) at Harvard SEAS

Cambridge, MA, USA

About Me

I like to hack and meta-hack, i.e., explore new ways of programming.

I combine programming languages (PL) and artificial intelligence (AI), including large language models (LLMs), to create intelligent systems that are correct by construction. My current application domains include program and proof synthesis, and precision medicine.

Research Interests

  • meta-theory of modular, extensible systems for programming and proving
  • meta-programming around multi-stage programming and reflection
  • meta-reasoning in relational & probabilistic programming
  • neurosymbolic AI/PL like relaxing machines from symbolic to differentiable
  • verified program and proof synthesis mixing symbolic reasoning and LLMs
  • precision medicine to explore collaborative problem-solving agents
  • softening verification to validation by learning strategies in the easier hard setting


  • VerMCTS: Synthesizing Multi-Step Programs using a Verifier, a Large Language Model, and Tree Search (Draft)

    David BrandfonbrenerSimon HennigerSibi RajaTarun PrasadChloe LoughridgeFederico CassanoSabrina Ruixin HuJianang YangWilliam E. ByrdRobert ZinkovNada Amin

    Outstanding Paper Award (MATH-AI Workshop at NeurIPS’24)

  • Persimmon: Nested Family Polymorphism with Extensible Variant Types

    Journal ArticlePublisher:Proc. ACM Program. Lang. (OOPSLA)Date:2024
    Anastasiya Kravchuk-KirilyukGary FengJonas IskanderYizhou ZhangNada Amin
  • The Dolorem Pattern: Growing a Language through Compile-Time Function Execution

    Conference PaperPublisher:37th European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, ECOOP, July 17-21, Seattle, Washington, USADate:2023
    Simon HennigerNada Amin
  • Extensible Metatheory Mechanization via Family Polymorphism

    Journal ArticlePublisher:Proc. ACM Program. Lang. (PLDI)Date:2023
    Ende JinNada AminYizhou Zhang

    Distinguished Paper Award

  • Reasoning about “Reasoning about Reasoning”: Semantics and Contextual Equivalence for Probabilistic Programs with Nested Queries and Recursion

    Journal ArticlePublisher:Proc. ACM Program. Lang. (POPL)Date:2022
    Yizhou ZhangNada Amin


  • PhD

    from: 2011, until: 2016

    Field of study:Programming LanguagesSchool:EPFLLocation:Lausanne, Switzerland


    PhD Thesis: Dependent Object Types

  • BS & MEng

    from: 2001, until: 2008

    Field of study:Computer Science (Music Minor)School:MITLocation:Cambridge, MA, USA


    MEng Thesis: Computer-Aided Design for Multilayer Microfluidic Chips


  • CS152 (every Spring)

    From: 2020, Until: present

    Organization:HarvardField:Programming Languages


    undergraduate class, introducing the theory, design, and implementation of programming languages, including formal semantics, type systems, and lambda calculus

  • CS252R (every Fall)

    From: 2019, Until: present

    Organization:HarvardField:Advanced Topics in Programming Languages


    graduate seminar where the topic changes each year. Past editions: PL+HCI (2019), PL+AI (2020), PL design (2021), advanced semantics (2022), program synthesis (2023), PL theory & implementation (2024)

  • Metaprogramming

    From: 2018, Until: 2019

    Organization:University of CambridgeField:Programming Languages


    principled approaches to metaprogramming: writing programs that manipulate programs, including evaluators, reflection, multi-stage programming, DSLs, meta-linguistic abstractions, and synthesis

Research Projects

  • verified program synthesis

    date: 2023


    generating and verifying programs and proofs using LLMs, with a focus on Dafny and Python

  • collapsing towers for side-channel security

    date: 2022

    Organization:Harvard & MIT


    specializing a program wrt a hardware processor as a staged interpreter
    making micro-architectural details such as timing explicit and first-order for off-the-shelf analysis

  • drug repurposing for precision medicine

    date: 2019

    Organization:led by the Hugh Kaul Precision Medicine Institute

  • multi-stage miniKanren

    date: 2017


    multi-stage relational programming for fast synthesis from sketches

  • reflective towers of interpreters

    date: 2014


    a reflective meta-level architecture where each level has a meta level ad infinitum with historical artifacts 3-LISP, Brown, Blond, Black in the 80s & 90s, and our Pink & Purple in POPL’18

    I’ve been fascinated by principled approaches to reflection, combining multiple paradigms (e.g., not just functional but also relational), and supporting effective reasoning and even verification. After all, proof by reflection has a venerable tradition starting with FOL’78.

  • dependent object types (DOT)

    date: 2012



    a type-theoretic foundation for languages like Scala

  • lightweight modular staging (LMS)

    date: 2011



    led by Tiark Rompf, Scala/LMS exemplifies multi-stage programming, a principled approach to writing programs that write programs


I am an assistant professor of computer science at Harvard SEAS. Previously, I was a University Lecturer in Programming Languages at the University of Cambridge; a member of the team behind the Scala programming language at the Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL), where I pursued my PhD; and a software engineer at Google, on the compiler infrastructure supporting Gmail and other Google Apps. I hold bachelor of science and master of engineering degrees from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).